Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Well, her who is to be obeyed, said "let's move!" Foolishly, I said yes, 10 weeks later we're set to move in to our new home in about 6 days. This is in a so called recession, I thought houses weren't moving but it seems that I was mistaken. Now, we can't all be that lucky and I admit it's about timing, right place and right time etc, luck of the draw call it what you will. If only business transactions could run as smooth, take for example.... a simple planned move.

Yes for those who are interested GSPK Design are moving, fortunately for all our customers in and around North Yorkshire we are still staying on site, at the Knaresborough Tech park, situated on Manse Lane. Will will only be moving into more suitable premises, but let me tell you it's not been without it's problems, we must be on to at least plan 6.

But like moving at home it's a liberating and cleansing and an ideal time to get shut, once and for all that stuff you horde, it's surprising what can build up in the company over time, nobody seems to want to throw anything out. So it's a good opportunity to streamline and re-look at how we are doing what we are doing to ensure that we are delivery the best for our customers. So don't despair - As always our customers come first and we will ensure that our move does not impact on delivery or our service.

According to plan 6 we should be in by Christmas, so pop over an pay us a visit.


Tuesday, 22 September 2009

In the beginning -

You've got to start somewhere so I thought I'd start there.. The beginning.... or so it seems. The electronics industry has moved so quick over the last 10 years that everyday it seems like the beginning, particular Electronic Design (As that's the field which probably most closest to my heart) New problems to solve, new challenges to face.. you get the idea...

Well you may ask yourself, why is he doing this.. well, why else of course; an outlet -- I might go mad one day and forgot what I did so I figured I needed a record of some sort. Although it will be of my making, I'm sure someone once said "He who creates the minutes creates the history".

So here we are; if you are interested in electronic design or manufacturing in the UK, keep popping back and having a look.. better still have a look at the company

so all the best and we'll see what the future brings.
