Isn't honesty the best policy, where does commercial sense come into calculations... like the client with the unseen bill, 9K so far and still further to go...
A Client, we will call "A" for the purpose of the Blog (only because its easy to type). A , recently approached GSPK Design with an unfinished project, A approached company B earlier to carry out some "Development work" to help get A some VC Funding for the Idea.
After several months, and several invoices from B, A ended up with some Rapid Prototypes. These prototypes were mere models and would require further work to actual produce working units. Which low and behold A couldn't afford....
A, Originally wanted actual working units, Surely B could have indicated up front what the total cost would be... which yes probably would have made A re-think a little and possibly not go ahead..
But instead, short sightedness prevailed and A - is left short on all accounts... and B is looking for other suspects...