Monday, 28 January 2013

Create Your Own News ...So why not make it good!

That’s the beauty of your own good news; you can create it whenever you want. Bad news, on the other hand, is too often thrust upon you from all sides. People thrive on bad news; we seem to have an unbiased tendency for the negative, and we look to find proof to back this negativity wherever we can.

Take the GDP figures just released. Doomsayers were quick to seize on the results as evidence that  things are just as bad as they’ve been saying. “Experts” and analysts have been threatening a “triple-dip” recession for months – even though some were predicting it before we’d even emerged from the “double-dip”.

And, of course, those of us in the real business world will now be cursing those same “experts” for the unwelcome but inevitable self-fulfilling prophecy. As my Gran used to say: “What you say is what you get.”

At the time I thought she meant don’t call Fred Johnson next door names because you may end up like that too. Little did I know at the time that she was so wise and profound, so I say lets spread some positivity – what harm can it do.

There is no doubt that things have been tougher for the last five or six years. What’s new?  But to survive we need to adapt, create and innovate. The good news is we’re seeing a massive increase in new start-ups, and the Government is pumping money into growth accelerators within the region to support SME’s.

In fact, there is a definite drive towards becoming a more entrepreneurial nation as a whole, with enterprise being taken seriously in schools through initiatives such as Young Enterprise  programmes run all over the UK. Look at the numbers for Start-ups s recorded by Start-up Britain.

I don’t doubt that high street retailers have been hit hard and the public sector is under severe scrutiny. But what have they expected, haven’t they simply been resting on their laurels, assuming the good old days will be back as we enter another cycle of boom and bust, with very little desire to move with the trends.

The world has changed dramatically since 2006 and will continue to change at an equally rapid rate - and businesses everywhere need to change with it.  There’s been a sea change in consumer habits and expectations thanks to to the rapid onset of technology and the internet.  Buyers have become savvy and shopping online is outstripping traditional high street retail.

Here at GSPK Design, it’s not been easy but, through hard work, creativity and innovation we’ve continued to grow and expect that to continue, despite what the doomsayers say.

So I say let’s not worry too much about the GDP figures and get on with running our businesses, and spread some positivity. Triple dip-recession? Poppycock!


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